Solar Dehydrator: The Complete Buying Guide

Solar Dehydrator: The Complete Buying Guide

Foods that have been dehydrated have had some or all of their water content removed. Food is improved for storage, transit, and consumption when its moisture and enzyme inhibitors are removed through dehydration.

By preventing the spread of microorganisms and the spoiling of food, it helps keep nutrients intact. When dehydrated foods are cooked, it re-absorbs moisture and re-expands into its original size.

There are several methods for dehydrating food. The solar dehydrator is an economical drying method with minimal drying time and great flavor preservation.

In this blog post, we will cover the basics of solar dehydrators, the types and features of solar dehydrators available in the market today, the factors to consider while buying solar dehydrators, and how to build your own solar dehydrator at home!

What is a Solar Dehydrator?

A solar dehydrator is a machine that removes moisture from food by exposing it to the sun. Dehydrating food in the sun is called solar dehydration, and it's a form of solar food preservation.

Instead of using electricity to dry food, you may use this method to create something that is both healthful and flavorful. Drying food at home is simple, easy on the environment, and a long-term solution.

Using common household items, you can construct your own solar dehydrator for little to nothing. Sun dehydrators can range in weight from as low as 5 pounds to as much as 50 pounds. Little countertop versions sit alongside enormous industrial dryers in the marketplace.

Types of Solar Dehydrators

Solar dehydrator

Passive Solar Dehydrator

A passive solar dehydrator is a device that uses the sun's energy to remove moisture from food, thereby preserving it. It works on the principle that warm air rises, and as it does so, it draws moisture out of the food.

Passive solar dehydrators are relatively simple to build and operate. They consist of a collector box or enclosure with a transparent cover, such as clear glass or plastic, on top.

The box is painted black to absorb heat, and the food to be dried is placed on screens or trays inside the microwave. Air vents are provided at the bottom of the collector box to allow air to flow through and carry away moisture, thereby avoiding contamination.

Active Solar Dehydrator

An active solar dehydrator is a low-cost device that uses solar energy to remove moisture from food items. It works by harnessing the power of the sun to heat air, which then circulates around the food, removing moisture and drying it out.

Active solar dehydrators offer the added benefit of drying food within hours instead of days; this makes them ideal for small-scale food production.

How much does a Solar Dehydrator cost?

The cost of a solar dehydrator can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the size, quality of materials used, and the complexity of the design.

Small and simple solar dehydrators can be constructed for less than $50 using basic materials like cardboard or wood, plywood sheet, vent covers, clear plastic sheeting, and a few other inexpensive components. These types of dehydrators are often suitable for home use and small-scale food drying.

How to choose the best Solar Dehydrator?

Wooden Solar dehydrator

If you're looking to cut costs and use solar energy to dehydrate your food, solar dehydrators are a great choice. However, it's vital to do thorough research before purchasing one. That way, you can get the best dehydrator for the job.

Capacity and size

A solar dehydrator is a food dehydration appliance used to dry food quickly and efficiently using solar energy. It consists of a dryer box and solar collector. The dryer box is the container in which food is placed for drying.

It has slots or holes that allow the moisture to escape while drying food. The solar collector box bottom captures solar energy and uses it to heat the dryer box.

The dryer box contains a heating element to high-temperature above the optimal dehydrating temperature of about 60–65 degrees Celsius. This ensures that food dehydrates without becoming brittle or drying out.

The size of a solar dehydrator can vary depending on the type of food being dehydrated and the ambient temperature. For example, some dehydrators can accommodate as little as 1 kilogram of food at a time, while others can handle up to 20 kilograms at once.

Typically, dehydrators are made from two pieces of three-quarters-inch plywood sheet with a roof covering them all together. This protects the dryer box from direct sunlight and provides protection from dust and other airborne particles during dehydration process.

Efficiency and performance

Solar dehydration is an efficient and economical method of preserving food, as it does not require any electricity. It only requires the free and abundant energy of the sun. This process can be easily done at home by using a solar dehydrator.

These devices are designed specifically to dehydrate food quickly and efficiently using solar heat. The efficiency of a solar dehydrator can be determined by conducting a performance analysis of the device used to dehydrate food.

Data from such analysis can show how effectively the dehydrator reduces moisture content over time. For instance, a solar dehydrator may reduce the moisture content of tomatoes from 91.94% to 22.32% in 44 hours.

Durability and materials used

There are several factors to consider when choosing the best solar dehydrator. First and foremost, solar dehydrators are made of two pieces of three-quarter-inch plywood.

Different materials, such as cement, galvanized iron, brick, or plywood sheet, are used in their construction. To ensure the longevity of your solar dehydrator, it is vital that it has a roof covered with transparent single or double-layered sheets.

Inside the solar dryer, the walls are painted black to increase the absorption of solar radiation. Furthermore, solar dryers typically have insulation inside to help elevate the internal temperature and assist in moisture removal from crops, fruits, and vegetables.

Temperature control and regulation

Temperature regulation is an important factor in food drying using solar dehydrators. An auxiliary heater can be used to regulate the drying temperature of solar dehydrators.

For example, a solar dryer in a study by Dorouzi et al. (101) showed the capability to meet all electric power requirements when the drying temperature varied from 60-65° C.

Other solar dryer designs have been designed that feature multiple heating and cooling systems through light bulbs to ensure a stable drying temperature. Some solar dryers use desiccant beds, which absorb the hot air mist released from solar dehydrators and reduce the cost of disposal.

How to build a Solar Dehydrator?

Solar dehydrator

Building a solar dehydrator is relatively easy and cost-effective. The materials list needed to build it include plywood sheets, staples, screws, aluminum foil, screen, staple gun, and a plexiglass cover. These can be assembled to form a collector box large enough for the dehydrator to tight fit inside.

Choose a design

A solar dehydrator can be constructed from recycled objects, such as old glass jars, cardboard boxes, or even clay pots. Commercial solar dehydrators are available online and can be purchased.

Performance analysis showed that mixed solar drying could reduce moisture content by as much as 69.62%. The solar dehydrator should be designed carefully to ensure its efficiency and stability.

It must have a desiccant regeneration circle in front of the drying chamber to absorb moisture from the food being dehydrated. Additionally, the solar dehydrator must have a PVT (Porous Vacuum Technology) system that uses gas to remove moisture.

All these design elements work together to ensure food is dried quickly, thoroughly, and efficiently.

Gather materials

To build a solar dehydrator, you will need plywood sheet, screws, aluminum foil, a screen, and a plexiglass cover. You can find detailed instructions on building a solar dehydrator in the North Dakota State University's PDF plans.

Additionally, consider adding handles and swivel wheels for easier mobility. Using scrap plywood sheet, 2x4s from an old ladder, or other recycled materials will help make your dehydrator cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Build the frame

To build a solar dehydrator, you will need a frame made of plywood, 2x4s from an old ladder, and a house window. The dehydrator should be built with two 12-by-30-inch pieces with 30-degree bevels along one long edge.

Attach the roof pieces to the dehydrator sides and braces with 1-1/4-inch screws. Other materials needed include plywood, collector box, screws, aluminum foil, circular saw, screen, and a high-quality plexiglass cover. You will also need solar panels and batteries to power the dehydrator during daytime.

Add shelves

Shelves can be added to a solar dehydrator to dry food items. They should be made of mesh, screen, or other material that allows for air circulation. The shelves should be sturdy and able to support the weight of the food being dehydrated.

Large sides on the shelves can help organize and dry food items in a solar dehydrator. They help ensure that the food is not placed directly on the solar Panel and allow for better airflow between the food and solar dehydrator.

Some dehydrator plans include shelves, as listed on the North Dakota State University website.

Add the top cover

A solar dehydrator is a food preservation method that uses the power of the sun to dry food. They are an efficient way to preserve food without preservatives or added sugars.

A top cover is needed for solar dehydrators to ensure that the proper environment is maintained. The top cover should be airtight to prevent moisture from entering the dehydrator. It should be made of durable material to protect the internal components from moisture.

Add a Solar-powered fan (optional)

A solar dryer is a device used for drying food. It uses solar energy to heat air, which is then used to dry the food. In solar dryers, the air is heated using solar energy.

The air is circulated using a solar-powered fan, which can be optional. Some dryers use forced convection to circulate the air faster and more efficiently. These dryers use a fan to move the air around inside the dryer.

By adding solar-powered fans to your solar dryer or mixed-type dryer, you can increase its efficiency and reduce the time it takes to dehydrate your food.

Test the Dehydrator

A solar dehydrator can be set up on a rooftop to reduce energy costs and capture solar energy. Experiments should be repeated to confirm the data obtained.

A pyranometer, thermocouples, thermometer, and anemometer can be used to measure solar radiation, temperature, and air velocity at various locations within the solar dehydrator. The resulting data can be used to optimize drying process and ensure product quality.

Use the Dehydrator

Solar dehydration is a cost-effective way to dry fruits and vegetables. Solar dehydrators can be made from recycled objects, making them an easy and sustainable alternative to traditional food dehydrators.

These dehydrators work by using solar energy to heat air inside a container, causing moisture in the food to evaporate and leaving behind only the nutritious, dried portion. The Dehytray solar dehydrator is easy to use and produces healthy, nutrient-dense foods quickly and efficiently.

How to use Solar Dehydrators?

Metal Solar dehydrator

Solar dehydrators are a wonderful way to preserve food without the need for electricity or a dehydrator. They are easy to use and can be great for people with limited access to electricity or who aren't interested in the expense of a dehydrator.

Preparing food for Dehydration

Food dehydrator is a handy tool for drying food. They are designed to dry food quickly without the use of heat, which allows the food to retain its nutritional value and moisture.

To dehydrate food using a food dehydrator, you must first choose the food item that you want to dehydrate. You can dehydrate fruits like strawberries and vegetables, herbs, and spices such as turmeric or chili peppers.

Most dehydrator models have multiple trays that can be used to dehydrate several items at once. You can also dehydrate different items in each tray for added variety.

Loading the trays and setting up the Dehydrator

To dehydrate food using a solar dehydrator, you will need trays to hold the food. These can be hanging or flat trays that are lined with food-safe screen material. It is best if the dehydrator has compartments for each type of food.

For example, the dehydrator may have separate compartments for dry food and for liquid food so that moisture can be removed from one and not the other.

Monitoring the drying process

Solar dryers are specialized devices that can control the drying process and protect food from damage. They generate higher temperatures, lower relative humidity, and lower moisture content compared to sun drying.

The dryer should be carefully monitored during the drying process to ensure food is successfully dehydrated without becoming damaged. Solar dryers typically have built-in sensors that allow measurements of solar radiation, temperature, air velocity, and weight of food item to be taken to monitor the drying process.

Storing dehydrated food

Dehydrated food can last for months or years if it is stored in an airtight container in a cool and dark place. When dehydrating food, it’s important to ensure that the dehydrator temperature is not above the “optimal dehydration temperature” of the food being dehydrated.

Ideal storage locations include pantries or cupboards away from any heat sources. After dehydrating food, rehydrate it by adding water and allowing it to sit for a few hours before eating. This will help restore moisture and flavor to the food.

Maintenance Tips for Solar Dehydrators

A solar dehydrator is a great option for preserving food and making it safe to eat without the use of any electricity. When used correctly, solar dehydrators can ensure food is preserved at the desired temperature and humidity for extended periods of time.

Cleaning the Dehydrator

Cleaning solar oven components regularly is vital to keeping your food safe and ready-to-eat. Regular maintenance can help ensure that the dehydrator is operating at peak performance.

You should clean dehydrator parts regularly to maintain food safety and prevent food from drying out or becoming rancid. To clean solar dehydrator parts, disassemble the dehydrator, remove all the removable parts, and clean each part with warm, soapy water and a soft cloth.

Checking for damage or wear and tear

It is important to inspect solar dehydrators for damage or wear and tear regularly. You should check the electrical components, such as fans, anemometers, and thermometers, for any signs of malfunction.

Additionally, you must ensure the solar radiation is measured accurately using a pyranometer. While checking the quality of the construction of the dehydrator, such as the trays and mesh screens, for any signs of damage can help ensure proper drying.

Replacing any damaged parts or components

Replacing any damaged parts or components of a solar dehydrator is critical to the efficient operation of the dehydrator. Recycled materials can be used to replace damaged parts, such as handles and swivel wheels.

Other options include desiccant fluids, such as calcium chloride solution. This will help regenerate a dehydrator after it has been damaged. If handles and swivel wheels are not available, you may want to add them yourself.

Pros & Cons of Solar Dehydrators


Solar dehydrator is a great option for preserving food without using electricity. It is a sustainable and environmentally-friendly way to store food without the use of harmful chemicals or refrigeration.

Solar dehydrators require no power to operate, making them ideal for emergency kits and off-the-grid settings. They also have a minimal carbon footprint, as they only use solar energy to dry the food.

The process of solar dehydration preserves the natural flavor and nutritional value of foods, making them a healthy choice for snacks and dishes.


Solar dehydrators dry food efficiently by using the solar radiation available in their locations. However, they are not as effective as electric dehydrators and can produce intense flavors when drying fruits or herbs.

These dehydrators require sunny weather and can be unpredictable in terms of their performance, so they aren't suitable for drying large quantities of food at one time.

Additionally, solar dehydrators are large and require a large amount of space, especially for larger models. This means they aren't perfect for drying food in small spaces such as apartments.

Finally, solar dehydrators aren't the best option for preserving food since they require constant light and temperature to function properly.

Bottom Line

Solar food dehydrator is a great way to preserve food for long-term storage, and solar dehydrators make it even more sustainable. They’re easy to use and maintain, and they don’t require any electricity or special skills to dehydrate food.

If you’re considering dehydrating food using solar power, we encourage you to research your options and choose the best solar dehydrator for your needs. However, be sure to follow the guidelines mentioned above so that you can dehydrate food safely and effectively.

For more information and such articles, visit our website, ArkaEnergy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do you want to spend on a Solar Dehydrator?

When it comes to purchasing a solar dehydrator, the amount of money you're willing to spend will be largely based on the model and size of dehydrator that you choose. However, a ballpark figure for an average solar dehydrator would be anywhere from $100 to $1,000.

Which one is better: Solar or electric Dehydrator?

The choice of solar dehydrator depends on the individual's needs. Generally speaking, solar dehydrators are a great option for those who want to save money and preserve food without using electricity. They can be built easily and cheaply, and they require no electricity to operate.

On the other hand, electric dehydrators may be a better option for those who need to process large amounts of produce quickly and need to preserve a type of food that responds better in a controlled environment. Electric dehydrators are also convenient for drying food in the cold winter months as they do not require any direct sunlight to function.

How much does a Solar Dehydrator cost, and how long will it last?

The cost of a solar dehydrator can vary greatly depending on the size and complexity of the unit, but a basic model can typically range from anywhere between $100 - $500. As for how long it will last, that depends on how well it is maintained and cared for, but a quality solar dehydrator should last at least 10-15 years.

Which model is better: vertical or horizontal Solar Dehydrators?

Horizontal solar dehydrators are more efficient than vertical solar dehydrators as they allow air to be circulated through the trays of food more effectively. This means that food will dry faster and more evenly.

Vertical solar dehydrators allow maximum sun exposure to the food, which can help reduce drying time. However, they may not be as efficient as horizontal solar dehydrators when it comes to airflow.

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About The Author
ritik n.
Written By
Ritik N.
Digital Marketing Specialist
Ritik is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Arka Energy, merging his professional prowess with a deep passion for sustainable living and solar energy. Advocating for renewable solutions, Ritik channels his expertise to promote eco-consciousness and advance the adoption of solar energy for a brighter future.
ritik n.
Reviewed By
Chinoyaka J.
Content Writer
Chinoyaka is a captivating content writer and sustainable living expert. With a flair for storytelling and a passion for eco-friendly solutions, she inspires readers to embrace greener lifestyles. She finds solace in nature's beauty when not writing, fueling her creativity and commitment to a more sustainable future.

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