37 Best Indoor Plants [2024] for Every Room in Your Home

37 Best Indoor Plants [2024] for Every Room in Your Home

Who doesn’t love indoor plants? Well, they are indeed worth admiring and incorporating in your home, offices, and other places. The best indoor plants will not just be a great addition to your place, but will also make it more inviting and pleasing. 

Adding to the serenity and freshness in the ambiance of your place, the indoor plants will be very versatile options to consider. These are pretty additions that need minimal care and maintenance. Be it the aesthetic appeal or the associated health benefits, the use and popularity of these best indoor plants are increasing every day. 

By adding the best indoor plants to your place, you can get an enhanced mood, fresh air to breathe, and lots of health benefits. You can match the various best indoor plants with your aesthetic preferences and interior appeal. Adding a sustainable and natural ambiance, these best indoor plants are surely worth considering for your home! 

37 Interesting and Best Indoor Plants 

Monstera Deliciosa 

These are large plants with split leaves ideal to put in your homes. The best indoor plants like these give a tropical look to your place, making it more inviting. 

Snake Plant

Snake plants are upright and have sword-like leaves. These are easy to take care of and need minimal maintenance, making them great additions to your place. 

Fiddle Leaf Fig

These plants have large and interesting violin-shaped leaves. These are indeed the best indoor plants, which are becoming a popular choice for modern interior styles. 

ZZ Plant

This is a glossy plant that has dark green leaves. A popular choice these days, these best indoor plants need very little maintenance and are great to place in your home. 


These are trailing vines that have heart-shaped leaves, making your space more impressive and inviting. In fact, these are great to hang in baskets and increase the aesthetic appeal of your place. 

Peace Lily 

These are very elegant and pretty white blooms that are perfect to add to your place. These have glossy green leaves, which place a striking contrast and add more depth to your place. 

Spider Plants

Spider plants have long and arching leaves with white stripes on them. These also produce small siderites, which are very unique and interesting additions to your place. 

Rubber Plant

Rubber plants are also among the popular and best indoor plants that have thick and glossy leaves. These can efficiently grow quite large in your indoor spaces. 


Philodendrons have heart-shaped leaves and are beautiful plants that are ideal to be situated indoors. These are easy to grow as well as to maintain regularly. 

Aloe Vera

One of the most popular and beneficial choices these days, aloe vera has thick and fleshy leaves. These are known for their many medicinal benefits and their many helpful qualities. 

Mix of Indoor Herbs in a PowerGazebo With Integrated Lighting

Add a sleek and modern-looking PowerGazebo in your place to create a dedicated space for planting indoor herbs and blooms. The integrated built-in lighting feature in the PowerGazebo will add more enhancement to the place and make it vibrant and appealing. These will create an aromatic ambiance and an unbeatable serene atmosphere around your place. 

The solar-paneled PowerGazebo will give energy to the integrated lighting and be a sustainable option. It will also be a focal point in your place to attract visitors or spend some solitary time here! 

Benefits of PowerGazebo: 

  • Sleek and modern look to suit all architectural styles 
  • Contemporary and stylishly impressive from all angles 
  • Easy to install and maintain 
  • Sustainable and eco-friendly structure 
  • Increases functionality of the space 
  • Adds more value to your property 
  • Increases the aesthetic appeal of your place 
  • Cost-effective and energy-efficient solution 

Chinese Evergreen 

These are some of the best indoor plants that have variegated leaves. It has shades of green, silver, and red, which makes it suitable to be planted indoors, adding a visual appeal to your place. 

Dracaena Marginata

These indoor plants have narrow and spiky leaves, which makes them interesting and unique options to consider. These are not the best indoor plants but also one of the most striking accent plants for indoors. 

Boston Fern

These ferns are lush and have fluffy fronds. If you love adding greenery to your place, then these are the best to consider. 

Jade Plant

The jade plant is a succulent that has thick and oval-shaped leaves. It is usually considered a symbol of good luck and can be great to plant indoors or gift to your loved ones. 

Bird of Paradise

This plant has large banana-like leaves that make it an interesting option to plant indoors. Moreover, these produce exotic flowers that resemble birds. Captivating and appealing, these are a must-add! 

Wax Plant

Often known as Hoya, this wax plant has waxy leaves and star-shaped flowers. These can be great to hang in pots and create a dynamic and curious appeal to your indoors. 


Anthurium has a bright and beautiful red vibe and produces heart-shaped flowers. Its glossy leaves make them all the more pretty and aesthetic to add to your place. 

Begonia Rex

This is also a popular choice among the best indoor plants, being a vibrant plant. It has patterned leaves in numerous shapes as well as colors. 

Weeping Fig

It is a very graceful plant that has arching benches. The small glossy leaves increase their beauty and timeless appeal, making them ideal to plant in your spaces indoors. 

Maidenhair Fern

It is a delicate plant that has lacy fronds and prefers high humidity. A very popular and pretty choice indeed, this is one of the best indoor plants that you may choose. 

Shamrock Plant

Shamrock has beautiful purple and greenish leaves that make it an inviting addition to your indoors. Moreover, the leaves close and open with light, adding a touch of elegance and whimsy to your place. 


It is a succulent that is a popular indoor plant these days. Producing vibrant flowers, kalanchoe is available in a variety of colors. 

String of Pearls

It is a trailing plant that has bead-like leaves, making a strong and attractive visual appeal. These are wonderful to hang in pots in your place and elevate the overall aesthetic appeal of your space. 

Nerve Plants

It is a small plant with colorful leaves and contrasting veins on it. It usually prefers high humidity and is a great choice indeed. 


These are flower spikes that are brightly colored. It adds a tropical feel and cozy ambiance to your place. 

Chinese Money Plant

These best indoor plants are round and have leaves like little pancakes! It is surely a trendy option for indoor plants and needs minimal care and maintenance too. 


This plant has bold and beautiful foliage in red, orange, and green. They will add more beauty and vibrancy to your place, being the focal point of attraction. 

Dumb Cane

These plants have variable long leaves. It is very popular for the striking patterns it has, making the plant a great addition to your indoors. 


These plants are rosette-shaped succulents. These are available in many colors and sizes and are surely worth adding to your indoor spaces, given their vibrancy and aesthetic charm. 

Umbrella Tree

This plant has large umbrella-like leaves, which are beautiful and glossy! These are also adaptable to various light conditions and are perfect to consider for your indoor spaces. 

Parlor Palm

These plants thrive well in low-light areas. They have delicate and feathery friends, which makes them more inviting and appealing to add. 

Touch me, not Plant

These are very sensitive and delicate plant species, which curl themselves up on being touched. A fun and interactive addition to your place, these are worth considering for sure! 

Norfolk Island Pine

These best indoor plants have soft and feathery needles on them, making them unique and wonderful. These are also great alternatives to traditional Christmas trees. 

Mistletoe Cactus

These have pretty trailing and thin stems. They thrive and grow in indirect lighting conditions and are a minimal maintenance plant option for indoors. 

Silver Dollar Vine

These plants have round and succulent leaves. Easily cared for, these are also drought-tolerant and can survive in extreme conditions! 

Neon Pothos

This play has bright neon green leaves, which makes it a fun and playful addition to your indoors. It is easy to propagate and grow. 

Tips to Take Care Of Indoor Plants 

If you take the right approach, taking care of indoor plants will surely be very easy and convenient. After all, it is a necessity to maintain them appropriately to get the all-time appeal! 

  • Properly monitoring the plants from time to time is needed. Give water when they need it, check the soil for moisture, avoid over-watering, and be aware of how much water each plant needs. 
  • You should ensure that your indoor plants receive adequate amounts of light and sun exposure. Place sun-loving plants near windows and shade-loving ones in sheltered spaces. Rotate them for proper growth and development. 
  • You can increase misting for the plants that need more humidity. Try and maintain a stable temperature for all plants. It should not be too cold or too hot. 
  • Use pots and soil that can drain well. This ensures that water is not collected at the roots and that the plant can grow thoroughly. 
  • Re-pot them when they outgrow their containers. This usually is needed in 1-2 years for their efficient growth and maintenance. 
  • Balanced and water-soluble fertilizers are best to use, and you should always avoid overfertilizing. Otherwise, there are chances that the plants may get damaged. 
  • Clean the plants regularly and remove any weeds or pests to ensure they get proper light, water, and fertilizers. 
  • Good air circulation is also a must for their growth and development. Don’t overcrowd the plants, as this may restrict the appropriate airflow. 
  • Lastly, keep researching and educating yourself about appropriately taking care of plants. Each type of indoor plant requires specific maintenance. It is important to understand and then proceed! 

Bottom Line 

There are numerous best indoor plants that you can consider adding to your homes and offices. Enhancing the overall ambiance of your place, these will also be great additions to uplift your interiors.

The best indoor plants give you a complementing architectural edge and natural style that makes your space more inviting. So if you want some freshness and nature’s beauty, then go for these best indoor plants today! 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What are the ways through which I can improve humidity for my indoor plants? 

To increase humidity, you can try misting the plants regularly. Use a humidifier or place a tray of water near the plants. 

Why do my plant’s leaves turn yellow?

If your plant’s leaves are yellowing, it could be due to several reasons. Underwatering, overwatering, pests, poor light, or nutrient deficiencies can all lead to leaves yellowing. Check for the actual cause to solve the issue. 

Can I improve the air quality of my house by planting some indoor plants? 

Yes, many indoor plants can help in improving air quality as they absorb toxins and release oxygen for a fresh ambiance. Snake plants, spider plants, peace lilies, etc. can all be used for the same. 

What should I do to prevent pests on my indoor plants?

To prevent pests on your indoor plants, you should regularly check and monitor them. Clean the plants, avoid over-watering, and ensure good air circulation. If there are any insects, use neem oil, insecticidal soaps, or similar solutions for the same. 

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About The Author
ritik n.
Written By
Chinoyaka J.
Content Writer
Chinoyaka is a captivating content writer and sustainable living expert. With a flair for storytelling and a passion for eco-friendly solutions, she inspires readers to embrace greener lifestyles. She finds solace in nature's beauty when not writing, fueling her creativity and commitment to a more sustainable future.
ritik n.
Reviewed By
Ritik N.
Digital Marketing Specialist
Ritik is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Arka Energy, merging his professional prowess with a deep passion for sustainable living and solar energy. Advocating for renewable solutions, Ritik channels his expertise to promote eco-consciousness and advance the adoption of solar energy for a brighter future.

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